Last updated: Sun Mar 04 03:15:00 CST 2018
369 Plot Hooks
326 Mysteries
233 Villains
213 Dungeons
496 Treasures
284 Locations
655 NPCs
33 Rooms
86 Books
26 Party Foods
We provide names, temperments, and backgrounds. They provide immersion into your world.
What peculiar feature makes this town or person so memorable? Let curiosity abound.
Location, location, location! Let your quests and campaigns take place in the most fascinating locales.
Your party has fought for their lives, shouldnt they have a little something to show for it?
Itching to find the place that turns bold adventurers into powerful heroes? Too bad; this place just chews them up a nd spits them out.
A mysterious man approaches the party and hands them a piece of paper with a seal, "you have the curse now", he says before vanishing away.
Without them, the world might get on without our intervention, and we simply cant have that, can we?
It takes a moment for your eyes to adjust to the flickering torchlight, the chamber walls are not at all what you had been expecting...
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Old version Made by /u/crow1170 and /u/AnEmortalKid for DMs everywhere.
New version updated by AnEmortalKid